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Zurück zur Homepage von Matthias Giger

Kurse, Aus- und Weiterbildungen

1986-1991 Ausbildung zum Primarlehrer am Seminar Kreuzlingen
1996-2000 Studium zum Sekundarlehrer phil. II an der Padagogischen Hochschule St. Gallen
2000 Ergänzungskurs für Sekundarlehrkräfte zur Erlangung der Wahlfähigkeit auf der Realschulstufe an der Pädagogischen Hochschule St. Gallen
2004-2006 Berufsbegleitendes Masterstudium "Integrierte Begabungs- und Begabtenföderung" der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz und der University of Connecticut (USA)
2011-2013 CAS Lerncoaching an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Thurgau
2012 Methodik-Didaktik-Kurs Englisch Sekundarstufe I an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Thurgau
2013 Coursera: Statistics: Making Sense of Data (University of Toronto, PDF)
Coursera: Introduction to Psychology (University of Toronto, PDF)
Coursera: Maps and the Geospatial Revolution (The Pennsylvania State University, PDF)
Coursera: Case-Based Introduction to Biostatistics (Johns Hopkins University, PDF)
Coursera: Creativity, Innovation, and Change (The Pennsylvania State University, PDF)
Coursera: Accountable Talk®: Conversation that Works (University of Pittsburgh, -)
Coursera: Statistics One (Princeton University, -)
Coursera: Computing for Data Analysis (Johns Hopkins University, PDF)
Coursera: Blended Learning: Personalizing Education for Students (New Teacher CenterSilicon Schools FundClayton Christensen Institute, PDF)
2014 Ausbildung zur Praxislehrperson Sek 1 an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Thurgau
Coursera: Data Analysis (Johns Hopkins University, PDF)
Coursera: K-12 Blended & Online Learning (Kennesaw State University, PDF)
Coursera: Introduction to Communication Science (University of Amsterdam, PDF)
Coursera: Surviving Your Rookie Year of Teaching: 3 Key Ideas & High Leverage Techniques (Match Teacher Residency, PDF)
Coursera: Gamification (University of Pennsylvania, PDF)
Coursera: Introduction to Psychology as a Science (Georgia Institute of Technology, PDF)
Future Learn: Good brain, bad brain: basics (University of Birmingham, -)
Coursera: Data Analysis and Statistical Inference (Duke University, PDF)
Coursera: The Data Scientist's Toolbox (Johns Hopkins University, PDF)
Coursera: R Programming (Johns Hopkins University, PDF)
Coursera: Exploratory Data Analysis (Johns Hopkins University, PDF)
Coursera: Reproducible Research (Johns Hopkins University, PDF)
Coursera: Teaching Character and Creating Positive Classrooms (Relay Graduate School of Education, PDF)
Coursera: Coaching Teachers: Promoting Changes that Stick (Match Teacher Residency, PDF)
Coursera: Learning How to Learn (University of California, San Diego, -)
Coursera: Advanced Instructional Strategies in the Virtual Classroom (University of California, Irvine, Certificate)
Coursera: What Future for Education (University of London, -)
Coursera: Supporting children with difficulties in reading and writing (University of London, Certificate)
Coursera: Teaching Statistical Thinking: Part 1 Descriptive Statistics (Duke University, PDF)
Coursera: Questionnaire Design for Social Surveys (University of Michigan, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Competences for 21st Century Schools (PDF)
2015 Coursera: The Bilingual Brain (University of Houston System, PDF)
Coursera: Foundations of Virtual Instruction (University of California, Irvine, Certificate)
Coursera: Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning: Web 2.0 Tools (University of Houston System, Certificate)
Coursera: Geospatial Intelligence & the Geospatial Revolution (The Pennsylvania State University, PDF)
Coursera: Genetics and Society: A Course for Educators (American Museum of Natural History, PDF)
Coursera: Emerging Trends & Technologies in the Virtual K-12 Classroom (University of California, Irvine, Certificate)
Coursera: Positive Psychology (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, -)
Coursera: Programming for Everybody - Python (University of Michigan, PDF)
Coursera: Introduction to Chemistry: Reactions and Ratios  (Duke University, PDF)
Coursera: Introduction to Human Behavioral Genetics (University of Minnesota, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Creative Use of Tablets in School (PDF)
Coursera: Assessment and Teaching of 21st Century Skills (The University of Melbourne, PDF)
Coursera: Psychological First Aid (Johns Hopkins University, -)
iMooX: Open Educational Ressources (TU Graz, PDF)
Coursera: Performance Assessment in the Virtual Classroom (University of California, Irvine, Certificate)
European Schoolnet Academy: Games in Schools 2nd Round (PDF)
Coursera: Sprachtechnologie in den Digital Humanities (Universität Zürich, PDF)
Coursera Specialization: Virtual Teacher Program (University of California, Irvine, Certificate)
Coursera: Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences (University of Zurich, PDF)
Coursera: Geodesign: Change Your World (Pennsylvania State University, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Introducing Technology-Enhanced Teaching (PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Developing Digital Skills in your Classroom (PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Introducing Computing in your Classroom (PDF)
FutureLearn: Get started with online learning (Open University, -)
2016 Coursera: Introduction to HTML5 (University of Michigan, Certificate)
Coursera: Introduction to CSS3 (University of Michigan, Certificate)
Coursera: Interactivity with JavaScript (University of Michigan, Certificate)
Coursera: Advanced Styling with Responsive Design (University of Michigan, Certificate)
FutureLearn: Explore Animation (NFTS, -)
FutureLearn: Making sense of data in the media (University of Sheffield, -)
FutureLearn: Innovation - The world's greatest (University of Leeds, -)
FutureLearn: Learning online - Managing your identity  (University of Leeds, -)
FutureLearn: Learning online - Learning and collaborating (University of Leeds, -)
FutureLearn: Learning online - Reflecting and sharing (University of Leeds, -)
FutureLearn: Blended Learning Essentials: Embedding Practice (University of Leeds, -)
Coursera: Lesson Planning with the ELL in Mind (Arizona State University, Certificate)
Coursera: Assessing Achievement with ELL in Mind (Arizona State University, Certificate)
Coursera: Engaging ELLs and Their Families in Schools and Community (Arizona State University, Certificate)
Coursera: Teach English Now! Foundational Principles (Arizona State University, Certificate)
Coursera: Teach English Now! Theories of Second Language Acquisition (Arizona State University, Certificate)
Coursera: Teach English Now! Lesson Design and Assessment (Arizona State University, Certificate)
Future Learn: Literature in the Digital Age - from Close Reading to Distant Reading (University of Basle, -)
iMooX: eMOOCs pre conference MOOC (TU Graz, PDF)
iMooX: Gesellschaftliche Aspekte der Informationstechnologie (TU Graz, PDF)
FutureLearn: Teaching for Success: Lessons and Teaching (British Council, -)
Moodle: Teaching with Moodle (PDF)
Microsoft Education: Teaching with Technology Basics (PDF)
iMooX: Soziale Medien und Schule (TU Graz, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Teaching with Space and Astronomy in your Classroom (PDF)
School Education Gateway: Introducing Project-Based Learning (PDF)
Friday Institute: Teaching Mathematics with Technology (Place Institute, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Collaborative Teaching and Learning (PDF)
Friday Institute: Teaching Statistics through Data Investigation (Place Institute, PDF)
Future Learn: System Thinking and Complexity (UNESCO UNITWIN Complex Systems Digital Campus, -)
Future Learn: Teaching for Success: The Classroom and the World (British Council, -)
2017 Coursera: Code Yourself! An Introduction to Programming (The University of Edingburg & Universidad ORT Uruguay, Certificate)
European Schoolnet Academy: Administrating School ICT Infrastructure: Developing Your Knowledge and Skills (PDF)
School Education Gateway: Future Classroom Scenarios (PDF)
Future Learn: Introduction to Cyber Security (The Open University, -)
edX: Launching Innovation in Schools (MIT/Microsoft, Certificate)
Future Learn: Becoming a Digital Citizen (University of York ,-)
Future Learn: Designing Assessments to Measure Student Outcomes (American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education ,-)
Future Learn: Blended Learning Essentials - Getting Started (University of Leeds, -)
European Schoolnet Academy: Navigation through the Ages (PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Boosting a Sense Initiative and Entrepreneurship in Your Students (PDF)
Friday Institute: Computational Thinking and Design (PDF)
iMooX: Digitale Werkzeuge für Erwachsenbilder (TU Graz, PDF)
Future Learn: Supercomputing (University of Edinburgh, -)
Future Learn: Using data to improve student outcomes (AACTE, -)
Future Learn: Learn to code electronic music tools with Javascript (University of London, Certificate)
Future Learn: Network security for industry professionals (Queen's University Belfast, -)
Future Learn: Intercultural communication (Shanghai International Studies University, Certificate)
Future Learn: Teaching for success: Learning and learners (British Council, -)
Future Learn: Learning in the network age (University of Southampton, -)
European Schoolnet Academy: Online Safety (PDF)
Europeam Schoolnet Academy: Opening Minds to STEM Careers (PDF)
Future Learn: Managing behaviour for learning (National STEM Learning Centre, -)
Future Learn: The power of social media (University of Southampton, -)
European Schoolnet Academy: Mentoring in Schools (PDF)
Future Learn: Planetary urbanisation - global challenges in a changing world (UCD Dublin, -)
Future Learn: Data tells a story (Loughborough University, -)
School Education Gateway: Shared leadership and school development (PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Our wonderful universe (PDF)
Hasso Plattner Institute: Suchmaschinen verstehen (PDF)
Future Learn: Wellington and the battle of Waterloo (University of Southampton, -)
Future Learn: Teaching computing (National STEM Learning Centre, -)
Future Learn: Why we post - The anthropology of social media (UCL, -)
Future Learn: Challenging Behaviour (Ambition School Leadership, -)
Coursera: Teach English Now! Capstone Project 1 (Arizona State University, Certificate)
Future Learn: WW1 heroism: Through art and film (University of Leeds, -)
Future Learn: Web science - How the web is changing the world (University of Southampton, -)
Future Learn: Empire - The controversies of British imperalism (University of Exeter, -)
Future Learn: How to read a novel (University of Edinburgh, -)
Coursera: Teach English Now! Second Language Reading, Writing and Grammar (Arizona State University, Certificate)
Coursera: Teach English Now! Technology enriched teaching (Arizona State University, Certificate)
Future Learn: Virtual Hong Kong (City University of Hong Kong, -)
Future Learn: Game Design and Development: Music (Abertay University, -)
Future Learn: Short Film in Language Teaching (BFI & Into Film, -)
Future Learn: Cyber Security: Safety at Home (Newcastle University, -)
School Education Gateway: Effective Parental Engagement for Student Learning (PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Opening Schools to STEM careers (PDF)
Coursera: Tech English Now! Second Language Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation (Certificate)
Future Learn: Understanding Quantum Computers (Keio University, -)
Friday Institute: Coaching Digital Learning (PDF)
Friday Institute: Teaching Statistics Through Inferential Reasoning (PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Our Fragile Planet (PDF)
iMooX: Das Internet in meinem Unterricht? Aber sicher! (PDF)
Future Learn: The European Discovery of China (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Certificate)
European Schoolnet Academy: Progressing Technology-Enhnaces Teaching - MENTEP (PDF)
PHTG: LIN:K - Lernen im Netz: Komptenzorientiert (-)
Future Learn: Math Puzzles (Weizmann Institute of Science, -)
2018 Coursera: Teach English Now - Capstone 2 (University of Arizona, Certificate)
Teaching English to speakers of other languages (ASU, Certificate)
Moodle: Introduction to Moodle 3.4 (PDF)
Future Learn: Understanding General Data Protection Regulation (University of Groningen, -)
Future Learn: The Qur'an Between Judaism and Christianity (University of Nottingham, PDF)
Coursera: Technical Support Fundamentals (Google, PDF)
Future Learn: Introduction to R for Data Science (Purdue University, -)
Future Learn: Object-oriented Programming in Python - Create Your Own Adventure Game (Rasperry Pi Foundation, PDF)
Future Learn: Becoming a Better Teacher: Exploring Professional Development (British Council, PDF)
Friday Institute: Fraction Foundations (PDF)
HPI: Linux für alle (PDF)
Future Learn: Logical and Critical Thinking (University of Auckland, PDF)
HPI: Internet Security for Beginners (PDF)
iMoox: Medienkompetenz in der Lehre (PDF)
Coursera: Operating Systems and You - Becoming a Power User (Google, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Inquiry-Based Teaching in Life Sciences (PDF)
Future Learn: Scratch to Python - Moving from Block- to Text-based Programming (Rasperry Pi Foundation, -)
School Education Gateway: Learning in a Museum (PDF)
Coursera: The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking (Google, PDF)
Future Learn: Using Peer Tutoring to Improve Student Reading (Queen's University Belfast, PDF)
iMoox. Programmieren mit Processing (PDF)
HPI: Information Service Engineering (PDF)
Future Learn: Language Assessment in the Classroom (British Council, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Promoting Teachnology-Enhanced Teaching (PDF)
Future Learn: Teaching Probability (Cambridge University Press, .)
European Schoolnet Academy: Europeana in your Classroom - Building 21st Century Competences with Digital Cultural Heritage (PDF)
iMoox: DSGVO Schulung für Forschungs- und Bildungseinrichtungen (PDF)
Future Learn: World Class Maths - Asian Teaching Methods (macmillan education, PDF)
SCORE: Creating Moodle Formulas Questions for STEM Subjects
Coursera: Web Design for Everybody Capstone (University of Michigan, PDF)
Coursera: Web Design for Everybody Specialization (University of Michigan, Certificate)
Coursera: System Administration and IT Infrastructure Services (Google, PDF)
Future Learn: The Scientific Revolution - Understanding the Roots of Modern Science (University of Groningen, -)
Future Learn: An Introduction to Recreational Math - Fun, Games, and Puzzles (Weizmann Institute of Science, -)
Future Learn: Blended Learning - Digitally-Enriched Apprenticeships (University of Leeds, -)
HPI: IPv6 in modernen Netzwerken (PDF)
Future Learn: Archaology - from Dig to Lab and beyond (University of Reading, -)
Future Learn: The Online Educator: People and Pedagogy (The Open University, -)
Future Learn: Introduction to Linguistics (University of Birmingham, -)
Future Learn: The Museaum as Site and Resource for Learning (University of Glasgow, PDF)
Future Learn: Flexagon and the Math behind Twisted Paper (Weizmann Institute of Science, -)
Future Learn: Accounting for Death in War - Separating Fact from Fiction (Royal Holloway University of London, -)
Future Learn: Improve your Intercultural Competence (Purdue University, -)
Future Learn: Cultural Heritage and the City (European University Institute, -)
Future Learn: Learning from the Past - A Guide for the Curious Researcher (University of Nottingham, -)
HPI: Einführung in die Mathematik der Algorithmik (PDF)
School Education Gateway: Embracing Language Diversity in your Classroom (PDF)
Future Learn: World Class Math - Asian Teaching Practices (macmillan education, -)
Friday Institute: Teaching the Beauty and Joy of Computing (PDF)
openSAP: Get Coding with Snap! (PDF)
openSAP: Calliope mini erfolgreich in der Schule einsetzen (PDF)
openSAP: Informatik für Einsteiger (PDF)
Future Learn: How Computers Work - Demistifying Computation (Rasperry Pi Foundation, PDF)
2019 Future Learn: Begin Robotics (University of Reading, -)
Future Learn: Introduction to Applied linguistics and TESOL (University of Leicester, PDF)
Future Learn: Testing Times in the Classroom - Challenges of 21st Century Education (University of Exeter, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Yes, I can - Empowering Students (PDF)
Future Learn: Understanding Anciety, Depression and CBT (University of Reading, PDF)
Coursera: Get organized - How to be a Together Teacher (Relay Graduate School of Education, PDF)
Coursera: Teaching Impacts of Technology - Fundamentals (UC San Diego, PDF)
Future Learn: Creating Apps in the Classroom (Queensland University of Technology, PDF)
Future Learn: Climate Change - Solutions (University of Exeter, PDF)
HPI: Digitale Identitäten - Wer bin ich im Netz? (PDF)
Future Learn: Introduction to American History - Form Reconstruction to World War I (University of Newcastle, PDF)
Future Learn: The Science of Learning (National STEM Learning Centre, PDF)
Coursera: Get Interactive - Practical Teaching with Technology (University of London, PDF)
Future Learn: Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance (Monash University, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Boosting Bioeconomy Knowledge in Schools (-)
iMooX: Computational Thinking mit BBC micro:bit - der MOOC zum freien Schulbuch (PDF)
Future Learn: Beyond the Ballot: Women's Rights and Suffrage from 1866 to Today (Royal Holloway - University of London & UK Parliament, PDF)
Coursera: Powerful Tools for Teaching and Learning - Digital Storytelling (University of Houston, PDF)
Future Learn: Artificial Intelligence - Distinguishing Between Fact and Fiction (Coventry University, PDF)
OpenSAP: Be Visual: Sketching Basics for IT Business, Edition Q1/2019 (PDF)
Coursera: e-Learning Ecologies. Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning for the Digital Age (University of Illinois, PDF)
iMooX: Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien I (PDF)
Coursera: Teaching Impacts of Technology - Data Collection, Use, and Privacy (University of California San Diego, PDF)
iMoox: Demokratie MOOC (PDF)
Future Learn: Tipping Points - Climate Change and Society (University of Exeter, PDF)
Future Learn: The Book of Kells - Exploring an Irish Medieval Masterpiece (Trinity College Dublin, PDF)
ISTE: An Introduction to Computational Thinking for Everyone (PDF)
OpenSAP: Build Your Own Snap! Workshop (-)
School Education Gateway: Bullying - NOT in my class! (PDF)
Future Learn: An Introduction to Computer Networking for Teachers (Rasperry Pi Foundation, PDF)
Future Learn: Introduction to Psychology - Psychology of Personality (Monash University, PDF)
Future Learn: Valuing Nature - Should we Put a Price on Ecosystems? (University of Exeter, PDF)
Future Learn: Why Do People Migrate? Facts (European University Institute, PDF)
Future Learn: Cultures and Identities in Europe (European University Institute, PDF)
Future Learn: Migrants and Regugees in Education - A toolkit for teachers (British Council, PDF)
Future Learn: Antisemitism - From its Origin to the Present (Yad Vashem - The World Holocaust Remembrance Center, PDF)
Future Learn: Many Faces - Understanding the Complexities of Chinese Culture (University of Exeter, PDF)
iMoox: Coding and Making im Unterricht (PDF)
Future Learn: Introduction to Ecosystems (The Open University, PDF)
Friday Institute: Computer Science Discoveries (PDF)
Future Learn: Blended Learning Essentials - Developing Digital Skills (University of Leeds, PDF)
iMooX: Programmieren mit Processing 2 (PDF)
Future Learn: Using Virtual Scenarios to Create Effective Learning (St George's University of London & WAVES, PDF)
Future Learn: Supporting Successful Learning in Secondary School (University of Reading, PDF)
Future Learn: Climate Change - The Science (University of Exeter, PDF)
Future Learn: An Introduction to Teaching Vocabulary (Babcock Education, PDF)
Future Learn: Blended Learning  Essentials - Digitally-Enriched Apprenticeships (University of Leeds & UCL Institute of Education, PDF)
School Education Gateway: Learning with creativity - Let the game begin! (PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Social Media Literacy for Change (PDF)
OpenHPI: Beyond Brockhaus Thinking - With Design Thinking to a Networked Culture (PDF)
iMooX: Calliope mini - Im Auftrag der digitalen Grundbildung (PDF)
OpenSAP: Basics of Design Testing (PDF)
OpenSAP: Design Thinking and Challenge Management (PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: EU Code Week - Icebreaker MOOC (PDF)
Future Learn: Improving your studying techniques (University of Groningen, PDF)
Future Learn: Defending Dignity - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Amnesty International. PDF)
Future Learn: Exploring Copyright - History, Culture, Industry (CISAC, PDF)
Future Learn: Battery Storage Technology - Opportunities and Use (EIT InnoEnergy, PDF)
OpenHPI: Sicher per E-Mail kommunizieren - Mitleser unerwünscht (PDF)
Future Learn: Educating Girls - Teaching Approaches to Helping Girls Thrive (Girls' Day School Trust, PDF)
Future Learn: Transforming Digital Learning - Learning Design Meets Service Design (Deakin University, PDF)
Future Learn: Making and Understanding Web Comics (University of Dundee, PDF)
Future Learn: Programming with GUIs (Rasperry Pi Foundation, PDF)
Future Learn: Understanding Maths and Logic in Computer Science (Rasperry Pi Foundation, PDF)
Future Learn: Understanding Computer Systems (Rasperry Pi Foundation, PDF)
iMooX: Informatik-Fit (PDF)
Future Learn: European Empires - An Introduction (The University of Newcastle Australia, PDF)
Future Learn: Bullying in Schools - How Should Teachers Respond (Queensland University of Technology, PDF)
Future Learn: Digital Skills for Teachers - Making Technology Work for You (Girls' Day School Trust, PDF)
Future Learn: Leadership of Education Technology in Schools (Chartered College of Teaching, PDF)
openHPI: Human-Centered Design - Building and Testing Prototypes (PDF)
Future Learn: Causes of Climate Change (University of Bergen & Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, PDF)
iMooX. Grundlagen wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens (PDF)
openHPI: Netzwerkvirtualisierung - Von einfach bis zur Cloud (PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Teaching ICT with Inquiry (PDF)
Future Learn: Introducing Robotics - Robotics and Society (Queensland University of Technology, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Hacking Hate (PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Code Week - Deep Dive (PDF)
Future Learn: Education Research that Matters - Applying Research to Your Teaching Practice (University of Birmingham, PDF)
Future Learn: Representing Data with Images and Sound - Bringing Data to Life (Rasperry Pi Foundation, PDF)
Future Learn: Using Technology in Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning (Chartered College of Teaching, PDF)
Future Learn: What Makes an Effective Presentation (Coventry University, PDF)
Future Learn: Switzerland in Europe: Money, Migration and Other Difficult Matters (University of Basel, PDF)
Future Learn: Introduction to Cyber Security for Teachers (Rasperry Pi Foundation, PDF)
Future Learn: Digital Transformation in the Classroom (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, PDF)
Friday Institute: Social and Emotional Learning for Educators (PDF)
Future Learn: Walter Scott - The Man Behind the Monument (University of Aberdeen & Abbotsford Trust, PDF)
iMooX: Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien II (PDF)
Future Learn: What is Character? - Virtue Ethics in Education (University of Birmingham, PDF)
Future Learn: Impact of Technology - How to Lead Classroom Discussions (Rasperry Pi Foundation, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Become the Next eSafety Champion (PDF)
openHPI: Die Technologie, die die Welt veränderte - 50 Jahre Internet (PDF)
Future Learn: Design and Prototype Embedded Computer Systems (Rasperry Pi Foundation, PDF)
Future Learn: Programming 102 - Think Like a Computer Scientist (Rasperry Pi Foundation, PDF)
Future Learn: Programming 103 - Saving and Structuring Data (Rasperry Pi Foundation, PDF)
openHPI: Trolle, Hass und Fake-News - Wie können wir das Internet retten? (PDF)
Future Learn: The History of the Book in the Early Modern Period: 1450 to 1800 (Trinity College Dublin, PDF)
2020 Future Learn: The School for Change Agents (NHS Leadership Academy, PDF)
Future Learn: Introduction to Intercultural Studies: Language and Culture (University of Leeds, PDF)
Future Learn: Why Numbers Matter - Quantitative Reserach (Deakin University & Griffith University, PDF)
Future Learn: Great south land. Introducing Australian history (The University of Newscastle, PDF)
Future Learn: Planing for learning. Formative asssessment (STEM Learning, PDF)
iMooX: EBmooc plus 2020. Die digitale Praxis für ErwachsenenbilnderInnen (PDF)
Future Learn: Introduction to encryption and cryptography (National Centre for Computing Education, PDF)
iMooX: Tenses explained (PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: The Three Rs and Animal Use in Science (PDF)
openHPI: Data Engineering und Data Science - Klarheit in den Schlagwort-Dschungel (PDF)
openSAP: Calliope mini in der Sekundarstufe I einsetzen (PDF)
Future Learn: Propaganda and ideology in everyday life (University of Nottingham, PDF)
Future Learn: Working with translation. Theory and practice (Cardiff University, PDF)
School Education Gateway: Addressing the global climate crisis in your classroom (PDF)
Craig Barton: Making the most of worked examples (PDF)
Future Learn: Investigating Innovation (Deakin University & Coventry University, PDF)
Future Learn: Introduction to Web Development (Rasperry Pi Foundation, PDF)
Future Learn: Battery Storage - Understanding the Battery Revolution (innoEnergy, PDF)
Future Learn: Climate resilience and adaptation for rural roads (University of Birmingham, PDF)
Future Learn: Develop Your Cultural Intelligence (Purdue University, PDF)
Future Learn: Confronting Captain Cook - Memorialisation in museums and public spaces (National Maritime Museum Greenwich, PDF)
Future Learn: Interdisciplinary Learning: Working Across Disciplines (University of Leeds, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Learning Leadership for Change - Shared Leadership in Your School (PDF)
openHPI: Let's Git - Versionsverwaltung und OpenSource (PDF)
Friday Institute: Teaching remotely. A practical guide (PDF)
Future Learn: Teaching for home learning. Secondary science (STEM Learning, PDF)
Future Learn: Improving computing classroom practice through actions research (National Centre for Computing Education, PDF)
Future Learn: Coaching in Education. Addressing the need for deep communication (NTNU, PDF)
Future Learn: Fairy tales. Meanings, messages, and morals (University of Newcastle, PDF)
Future Learn: Create a professional online presence (Institute of Coding, University of Leeds, PDF)
Future Learn: Get creative with people to solve problems (Institute of Coding, University of Leeds, PDF)
openSAP: From media computation to data science (PDF)
Future Learn: Wellbeing at work. An introduction (Coventry University, PDF)
Future Learn: Innovation in EdTech. Hacking the challenges of digital education (Climate-KIC, PDF)
Future Learn: The path to happiness and good quality of life (Universidad de Palermo, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Digitally competent teachers for creative digital students (PDF)
Future Learn: Programming pedagogy in secondary schools. Inspiring computing teaching (National Centre for Computing Education, PDF)
2021 Future Learn: History of Slavery in the British Caribbean (The University of the West Indies, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Exploring nature-based solutions in your classroom (PDF)
Future Learn: Mindfulness. A focus on adolescents (University of Glasgow, PDF)
Learn Moodle: Moodle teaching next level (PDF)
Learn Moodle: Moodle Admin Basics (PDF)
MoodleBites: Developers Preparation (-)
MoodleBites: Developer Level 1 (Certificate)
MoodleBites: Developer Level 2 (Certificate)
OpenHPI: Computeranatomie - Ein Blick ins Innere deines Rechners (PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Aerospace in Class (PDF)
Future Learn: Maintaining a mindful life (Monash University, PDF)
Future Learn: Demystifying Mindfulness (Universiteit Leiden, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: AI basics for school (PDF)
Future Learn: Low-budget video production. Visual communication for small charities (The Open University, PDF)
Coursera: Mind Control. Managing your mental health during COVID-19 (University of Toronto, PDF)
Future Learn: Digital Wellbeing (University of York, PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: Digital education with cultural heritage (PDF)
European Schoolnet Academy: A roadmap to citizen science education (PDF)
Future Learn: Religions from the inside. Improving interreligious dialogue (Università della Svizzera italiana, PDF)
OpenSAP: Die Welt der KI entdecken (PDF)
Coursera: Database Design and Basic SQL in PostgreSQL (University of Michigan, PDF)
Coursera: Intermediate PostgreSQL (University of Michigan, PDF)
Coursera: JSON and Natural Language Processing in PostgreSQL (University of Michigan, PDF)
Coursera: Database Architecture, Scale, and NoSQL with Elasticsearch (University of Michigan, PDF)
Future Learn: Resilient teaching through times of crisis and change (University of Michigan, PDF)
Future Learn: Collaborative coding with Git (Institute of Coding, University of Manchester, PDF)
Future Learn: Communicating across cultures (British Council, PDF)
Coursera: Mandarin Chinese 1. Chinese for Beginners (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, PDF)
Coursera: Mandarin Chinese 2. Chinese for Beginners (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, PDF)
Coursera: Chinese for HSK 1 (Peking University, PDF)
Coursera: Chinese for HSK 2 (Peking University, PDF)
Coursera: Chinese for HSK 3 - Part 1 (Peking University, PDF)
Coursera: Chinese for HSK 3 - Part 2 (Peking University, PDF)
Coursera: Chinese for HSK 4 (Peking University, PDF)
Future Learn: How to create an online course (University of Edinburgh, PDF)
Future Learn: Black Tudors. The untold story (PDF)
Future Learn: Observing earth from space (University of Edinburgh, PDF)
Future Learn: The power of picturebooks (University of Waikato, PDF)

Zurück zur Orientierung "Angaben zur Person"

Arbeiten und Publikationen

"durch mittelerde wandeln - Eine Auseinandersetzung mit J.R.R.Tolkien"; M. Giger; Seminar Kreuzlingen, Januar 1988 (60 Seiten)
"Die Kiesgrube Mowag/Sangen", 1988 (ca. 140 Seiten, ca. 1000 Dias)
"Intelligenz"; M. Giger; Lehrerseminar Kreuzlingen, April 1990 (83 Seiten) 
"Datenschutz"; M. Giger; Lehrerseminar Kreuzlingen, April 1990 (56 Seiten)
"Fraktale Geometrie - Eine Einführung mit Bildern"; M. Giger; Seminar Kreuzlingen, 1991 (137 Seiten)
"Das Bild des schwarzafrikanischen Menschen in Geographie- und Musiklehrmitteln des 20. Jh."; M. Giger; Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen, 1998 (625 Seiten)
"Schwarzafrikanische Musik auf der Sekundarstufe I"; N. Heule/M. Giger; Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen, 1999 (165 Seiten)
"Malaria", M.Giger, Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen, 1999 (Webseite / CD-ROM)
Masterarbeit "Hochbegabung und Science-Fiction" (FHNW, 2006)
Referat "Hochbegabung und Science-Fiction" (PowerPoint) an der Fachtagung Heterogene Diversity der FHNW und der Pädagogischen Abteilung der Universität Basel (21.09.2006)
"Huartes Prüfung der Köpfe zu den Wissenschaften" in SwissGifted Vol. 1, Nr. 1 (2008)
"Sir Francis Galton: Wird Genie vererbt?" in SwissGifted Vol. 1, Nr. 2 (2008)
"Leta Stetter Hollingworth" in SwissGifted Vol. 2, Nr. 1 (2009)
"Termans Kinder: Erkenntnisse aus der Langzeitstudie" in SwissGifted Vol. 2, Nr. 2 (2009)
"Feldhusen - ein Modell für die Oberstufe" in SwissGifted Vol. 3, Nr. 1 (2010)
"Franziska Baumgartens Wunderkinder" in SwissGifted Vol. 3, Nr. 2 (2010)
"William Stern: Intelligenz und Begabung" in SwissGifted Vol. 4, Nr. 1/2 (2011)
Yes, I can! Methoden des selbständigen kooperativen Lernens, M. Giger, Pädagogische Hochschule Thurgau, Kreuzlingen, 2013 (40 Seiten)

Zurück zur Orientierung "Angaben zur Person"


Kleines Latinum im Jahre, 1989
Primarlehrerdiplom des Seminar Kreuzlingen, 1991
First Certificate in English, 1994
Certificate of Proficiency in English, 1996
Sekundarlehrerdiplom phil. II des Kantons St. Gallen, 2000
Reallehrerdiplom des Kanton St. Gallen, 2000 (durch Zusatzkurs für Sekundarlehrkräfte)
Master of Advanced Studies in Gifted Education and Talent Development (FHNW, 2006)
Master of Advanced Studies für Begabungs- und Begabtenförderung (FHNW, 2006)
Master of Arts in Education (University of Connecticut, 2006)
Certificate of Advanced Studies Lerncoaching (PHTG, 2013)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Arizona State University, 2018)
Web Design for Everybody: Basics of Web Development and Coding (University of Michigan, Certificate, 2018)
PostgreSQL for Everybody (University of Michigan, Certificate, 2021)

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1991-1995 Primarlehrer an der Unterstufe einer Mehrklassenschule in Raperswilen-Illhart TG
1995-1996 Primarlehrer der Tamale International School in Tamale, Ghana
Fächer: Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften, Musik, Französisch
1996-2000 Verschiedene Vertretungen während des Sekundarlehrerstudiums auf allen Stufen der Volksschule
2000-2002 Sekundarlehrer phil. II an der Oberstufe Lützelmurg (TG)
Fächer: Biologie, Chemie, Deutsch, Englisch, Geschichte, Informatik, Mathematik, Musik, Physik, Werken, Zeichnen
2002-2007 Sekundarlehrer phil. II am Oberstufenzentrum Pestalozzi in Weinfelden
Fächer: Biologie, Chemie, Deutsch, Englisch, Geografie, Informatik, Mathematik, Physik, Zeichnen, Werken
2007-2008 Oberstufenlehrer an der KiTs-Tagesschule in Wil SG
Fächer: Deutsch, Englische Grammatik, Mathematik, Mensch & Umwelt, Werken
seit 2008 Sekundarlehrer phil. II an der Sekundarschule Romanshorn-Salmsach
Fächer: Deutsch, Englisch, Geschichte, Geografie, ERG, Mathematik, Medien und Informatik, Programmieren
Verantwortlicher Online-Lernumgebung und Materialienserver

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Spezielle Interessen

Informatik: DTP und Grafik
Programmierung (bis 2020)
SIG "Lernen mit Moodle" ehemals Pädagogischen Hochschule Thurgau (bis 2020)
Geschichte, Literatur und Sprache Chinesisch
Science Fiction
Pädagogik: Begabungs- und Begabtenförderung (Vorstandsmitglied SwissGifted, 2006-2012)
Kooperatives Lernen
Lerncoaching und Lernen lernen
Mathematik (Mitglied FA Mathematik Sek 1, TG, seit 2012; KAP 2013-2015)
Naturwissenschaften: Insekten
Statistik mit R

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Bei allfälligen Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an

Matthias Giger, April 1999 (Update:10.8.2021)